Cadets Corps
49th Cadet MTU
USS Newfoundland
On this website, you can do all kinds of Star Trek stuff, create your own art, learn about science by doing cool experiments, and lots more. Have a look around & have FUN!
Under the direction of the OIC of the 49th Medical SAR/MSR is the Cadet MTU, the Golden Lions. Its purpose is to not only teach Cadets about Star Trek in an age-appropriate way but also teach them the importance and fun of science and art. Cadets are defined as those who have not achieved the age of 18 years. As technology improves daily, the GOLDEN LIONS provide training that Cadets will receive from fun assignments and experiments. Merit patches will be earned by understanding and completing these assignments and experiments, as well as for other activities. Before Cadets can participate on the website, the Officer-in-Command (OIC) of the 49th Marine Training Unit requires permission from their parent or guardian. The GOLDEN LIONS’ website provides a safe internet environment for all Cadets. Moderated interaction and cooperation between Cadets will give them the opportunity to get to know other Cadets from around the world and will teach them how to give and receive constructive feedback. We encourage parents to interact with the Cadets via the website as well. Having both parent and Cadet participate at home and on the website, creates a positive way to enjoy both the world of Star Trek, as well as science. This website also provides our Cadets ample opportunity to create artwork and show it on the website. In all its activities, the Cadets of The GOLDEN LIONS believe in the Star Trek decorum of I.D.I.C. (Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations), as fostered by the USS Golden Gate's Commanding Officer Fleet Admiral David Nottage III. The activities provided by this website will hopefully ignite and nourish imagination and passion for the worlds of science and art. This vision would not have been possible without the work of past members, Alvin Camidge, Pascal Cranssen, Ronith Cranssen, and Derek Allen. We hope that the 49th Marine Training Unit GOLDEN LIONS will provide educational information, I.D.I.C, and good old science fiction fun.
- 49th OIC Col Alvin Camidge
Cadet Training Unit of the USS Golden Gate

Dear Parents,
Greetings and welcome to the GOLDEN LIONS, the 49th Marine Training Unit on board the USS Golden Gate. I feel privileged to present a website that not only teaches Cadets about Star Trek in an ageappropriate way but also teaches them the importance and fun of science and art.
As technology improves daily, the GOLDEN LIONS provide training that Cadets will receive from fun assignments and experiments. Merit patches will be earned by understanding and completing these assignments and experiments, as well as for other activities.
Before Cadets can participate on the website, the Officer-in-Command (OIC) of the 49th Marine Training Unit requires permission from their parent or guardian. The GOLDEN LIONS’ website provides a safe internet environment for all Cadets. Moderated interaction and cooperation between Cadets will give them the opportunity to get to know other Cadets from around the world and will teach them how to give and receive constructive feedback. We encourage parents to interact with the Cadets via the website as well. Having both parent and Cadet participate at home and on the website, creates a positive way to enjoy both the world of Star Trek, as well as science.
This website also provides our Cadets ample opportunity to create artwork and show it on the website. In all its activities, the Cadets of The GOLDEN LIONS believe in the Star Trek decorum of I.D.I.C. (Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations), as fostered by the USS Golden Gate's CO Fleet Admiral David Nottage III.
The activities provided by this website will hopefully ignite and nourish imagination and passion for the worlds of science and art. This vision would not have been possible without the work of Alvin Camidge Pascal Cranssen, Ronith Cranssen, and Derek Allen (OIC 49th MSG and XO of the USS Golden Gate).
In conclusion, we hope that the 49th Marine Training Unit GOLDEN LIONS will provide educational information, I.D.I.C., and good old science fiction fun.
Live long and prosper,
49th OIC Col Alvin Camidge