USS Angle NCC-753
San Francisco Task Force
The support vessel is the USS Angel, NCC-753, an Asmodeus Class, Light Corvette Starship. She is Commanded during Tactical situations by Major Benjamin Salisbury otherwise operational Command is given to Commodore Helene Donohue. Her task is to support not only the two AeroWings, Alcatraz and Farallones, NCC-2562/1&2 of the 49th SAR, but will be the USS Golden Gate's Diplomatic strong arm.

USS Angel - Asmodeus Class, Light Corvette Starship

Asmodius Class Specifications
Physical Dimensions
- Length Overall: 102.0 meters
- Beam Overall: 103.0 meters
- Draft Overall: 40.0 meters
- Standard: 36,495 metric tons
- Cargo: 3,500 metric tons
- 2 Warp Engines: FWH-1
- 2 Impulse Engines: FIB-3
- Cruising: Warp 5
- Maximum: Warp 6
Crew Complement
- Officers: 16
- Crew: 70
- Troops: 20 Marines & 4 fighter pilots
- System Type: M-1
- 2, Standard 6-person transporters & 1 22-person emergency transporter
Embarking Craft
- Up to a maximum of 8 shuttlecraft
- 2 Tycho class light interceptors.
- 1 Light Shuttle
Phaser Banks:
- 6 Heavy FH-12 Phaser Banks
Photon Torpedoes:
- 1 Sublight Torpedo Pod with 4 Torpedo Launchers
- Deflector Systems: FSF
- 1 Tractor Beam